Applying for Financial Aid
How to Complete the FAFSA
- Complete the bbin Application for Admission.
- 完成一个 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), listing bbin's Federal School Code ( 002302). Also available in Spanish.
- Have an official high school or GED 成绩单 送到bbin. If you are currently a high school senior, 请提交当前的成绩单,然后在毕业时提交最终的正式成绩单.
- Complete the bbin Application for Admission.
- 完成一个 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), listing bbin's Federal School Code ( 002302).
- 请注意,助学金不会自动从一所学校转到另一所学校. 如果您有任何问题,请联系学生金融服务办公室,电话:(231)995-1035.
- Have an official grade 成绩单 你以前就读的所有大学都寄给bbin.
- Have an official high school or GED 成绩单 送到bbin.
- 完成一个 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), listing bbin's Federal School Code ( 002302).
- After completing the FAFSA, 美国教育部将决定你的学生援助指数(SA). 这个SAI决定了各种联邦和州财政援助计划的资格. 联邦处理人员将向申请人提供学生援助报告(SAR)。, electronically, within 7 to 10 days. bbin的学生金融服务办公室将在3-4个工作日内以电子方式收到机构学生援助报告(ISAR).
- When your financial aid process is complete, bbin学生金融服务办公室将通过您的bbin电子邮件帐户通知您. You will need to accept your awards — online — via bbin Self-Service.
有资格获得西北密歇根大学第四章联邦财政援助基金, 你必须从bbin获得证书或学位,并保持 Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid.
What is the FAFSA?
FAFSA是免费申请联邦学生援助的缩写,是所有美国学生申请的表格.S. 美国公民或永久居民每年申请联邦财政援助必须填写这一表格.
Steps to complete the FAFSA
Which FAFSA should I complete?
- Complete the 2023–2024 FAFSA for the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 & Summer 2024 semesters
- Complete the 2024–2025 FAFSA for the Fall 2024, Spring 2025 & Summer 2025 semesters
What information is needed for the FAFSA?
- FAFSA将要求提供以下类型的信息:
Student Demographic Information
Contributor Information (Is My Parent a Contributor When I Fill Out My FAFSA®?)
Student 和 Contributor Financial Information (Am I a Dependent or Independent Student?). 如果由于特殊或不寻常的情况而无法提供贡献者信息, you may qualify for a dependency appeal. 提交FAFSA后,请联系财务援助办公室寻求指导.
School Selections (bbin's Federal School Code: 002302)
- FAFSA将要求提供以下类型的信息:
Information you’ll need
- Information about yourself:
Social Security Number
外国人登记号码(如果你是符合条件的非公民,如美国公民).S. Permanent Resident)
您的联邦所得税申报表(如果您提交了纳税申报表). For the 2024–2025 FAFSA, this means the tax year 2022. - Information about your contributor(s):
Social Security Number
他们的联邦所得税申报表(如果他们提交了纳税申报表). For the 2024–2025 FAFSA, this means the tax year 2022.
- Information about yourself:
How to apply
- The FAFSA form should be filled out at 通常情况下,你可以在申请资助的前一年的10月1日开始填写表格.
- 您和至少一名供款人应在 您的FSA ID将用作FAFSA的电子签名. 你不需要等到FAFSA开始申请你的FSA ID.
- 您的FSA ID应该在完成FAFSA前3-5天创建.
- My parents are not U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents; can I still apply for federal aid?
- 是的. If you, the student, are a U.S. 无论你的父母是否是美国公民,你都有资格获得联邦经济援助.S. citizens or permanent residents. (注意:当表格上提示填写父母的社会安全号码时, you should enter all zeros.)
How to review 和 correct your FAFSA form
- You might see a note on your SAR saying you’ve been selected for verification; or your school might contact you to inform you that you’ve been selected. 核实是你的学校用来确认你的FAFSA表格上报告的数据是准确的. If you’re selected for verification, 你的学校将要求你提供额外的文件来支持你所报告的信息.
- Don’t assume you’re being accused of doing anything wrong. Some people are selected for verification at r和om; 和 some schools verify all students' FAFSA forms. 你所需要做的就是提供学校要求的文件,并确保在学校的截止日期之前完成, or you won’t be able to get federal student aid.
- 你可以通过美国国税局的获取记录服务找到你的税务记录 国税局.政府/成绩单.
Other helpful resources
- 有很多方法可以帮助你完成FAFSA表格.
- bbin Financial Aid Office — You can contact our office with questions. We are open Mondays, 8 a.m. 到晚上7点.m., 和 Tuesday through Friday, 8 a.m. 到5点.m., 和 can be reached at (231) 995-1035.
- FAFSA Hotline -教育部可以拨打(800)433-3243帮助解答问题. There are also “help & hints” for each question as you complete the FAFSA.
Avoiding scams 和 fraud
- 要知道,你永远不需要用联邦学生资助来支付帮助费用, including federal student loans. 所有的经济援助申请都是免费的,你不应该使用任何网址 to apply for federal student aid.
- 对任何报价或索要信用卡号码的网站都要保持警惕, 还有那些联系你,希望你支付经济援助申请援助或保证经济援助金额的公司.
- 美国.S. Department of Education advises students to look out for the following red flags:
— Aggressive advertising language;
— Promises that sound too good to be true;
— Asking for log-in info,
— Unofficial addresses or phone numbers. - 如果你发现自己卷入了一个与你的助学金有关的骗局.政府账户, 或者你与你怀疑是骗子的人分享了你的FSA ID信息, the Department of Education advises that you log in 和 change your account password as soon as possible, check your account information (contact email, 地址和电话号码)以确保它仍然是准确的, 和 file a complaint 这样教育部就可以监控你的账户,以防你有任何可疑活动.
- 在这里了解更多关于发现和避免学生援助骗局的信息.
Types of Financial Aid
Money you earn to help pay for educational expenses
Money you have to pay back
Free, 1:1 assistance completing your FAFSA. Schedule an appointment:
Emergency Assistance